Table of Contents

Why the change? #
When to make the change? #
Please upgrade to the new Stripe Connect ASAP, and at latest by the 31st of August 2023
The old depreciated Stripe connection will be removed on the 31st of August, until then it will function in the same way it does currently.
How to upgrade? #

To add Stripe connect just click the blue (Add a payment method) button on the top right of the page, this will then show you a selection of payment methods to choose from and you will see Stripe, then just click (add) under the logo

NB Important step
Please make sure you are signing into to your correct existing Stripe account, using the email you used to create the Stripe account originally, if you have multiple Stripe accounts please select the correct account after loging in, and do not create a new account with Stripe unless you do not have a Stripe account already, in which case you would need to create a new account.

Once you have completed this task, please log in to your Stripe account and click on ( Developers ) in the top right-hand corner and then click ( Webhooks ) and delete any webhooks related to Bookalet
The process is now complete