
How to sync Bookalet with booking.com

Can I sync booking.com with my Bookalet account? #

Yes, we use iCals to share the information from both channels to ensure you don’t get double bookings.

How do I sync booking.com with my Bookalet account? #

To export your calendar information from Bookalet; #

  1. Log in to your Bookalet account
  2. Use the left hand menu and click on ‘Channels’ then ‘iCal Sync’ 
  3. If this is your first time setting up an iCal sync then all of the options you see will be grey, once you select one to set up you will need to click ‘Enable’

Syncing booking.com with Bookalet | Bookalet


4. Click on ‘Export’ beneath Booking.com

Syncing booking.com with Bookalet | Bookalet
5. Click ‘Enable’ and you will see a list of URLs, one for each of your bookables

Syncing booking.com with Bookalet | Bookalet


6. You will need to paste this URL into your Booking.com account


How do I add my Export URL from Bookalet into my Booking.com account? #

  1. Log in to your Booking.com account
  2. Depending on your account you need to either click on Rates & Availability and then on Calendar, or click on Calendar & Pricing.
  3. Click Sync calendars.
  4. Click Add calendar connection, then add the link to the third-party calendar you want to import reservations from. Give the calendar connection a name – you might want to call it BookaletSyncing booking.com with Bookalet | Bookalet
  5. Click Next Step to import your calendar information from Booking.com


To import your calendar information from Booking.com; #

  1. Once you have clicked ‘Next step’ from the previous stage, you will be given a URL you need to copy into Bookalet
  2. From your Bookalet account, go to ‘Channels’ then ‘iCal Sync’ 
  3. Choose ‘Import’ from under Booking.com
  4. Make sure you click ‘Enable’ 
  5. Once you have enabled the Import connection from Booking.com you will see a field for inputting your URL from Booking.com
  6. Paste the URL in and press ‘Save’ 

Syncing booking.com with Bookalet | Bookalet


Export Options #

7. Back in Booking.com click ‘Done’ and scroll down to ‘Export Options’ 
8. Click ‘Change’
9. IMPORTANT: Be sure to change to ‘Booked Dates Only’ 

Syncing booking.com with Bookalet | Bookalet
