Eco-friendly holiday rentals are becoming more and more popular with the increased awareness in topics such as global warming and climate change. This means that guests are more often searching for eco-friendly holiday properties. Here are some tips on how you can help achieve this.
1. Invest in Energy Saving Light Bulbs
Switching to energy-saving light bulbs mean that you will have to change them much less often, as they last around 25 times longer than standard bulbs.
2. Provide Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Eco-friendly cleaning products which are less harmful make a difference when these products end up in waterways.
3. Consider Solar Panels
Energy saving trust explain that solar panels, also known as photovoltaics, capture the sun’s energy without requiring direct sunlight – so even work on cloudy days. “The cells convert sunlight into electricity, which can be used to run household appliances and lighting.”
4. Provide a Recycle Bin
A suprising amount of holiday rental properties only provide one bin, so recycable plastics end up in general waste. Also consider having a compost heap in the garden where possible.
5. Supply Bags for Life
Bags for life may not be something that your guests remember to pack, so by providing them they are much more likely to take them with them to the shops. Make sure that can be seen or let your guests know where they are beforehand.
6. List Public Transport Timetables in Welcome Pack
Don’t forget that your guests may not know that public transport is available in your area, so its a good idea to supply a timetable for buses and trains within the welcome pack. Again, this can be emailed beforehand to allow planning. You can read how to do this via Bookalet here.
If you have any other tips on making a holiday lets property eco-friendly, we’d love for you to share them in the Bookalet Facebook Hub. Click here to join!
September 5, 2019