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How do I modify an email?

Bookalet comes supplied with a series of default emails. These are either triggered by you…

Bookalet comes supplied with a series of default emails. These are either triggered by you or automatically sent to your guests depending on the sequence of events in the booking process. You can modify these emails to better reflect how you run your business and how you wish to communicate with your guests.

To modify any of the email templates, start by navigating to Administration > Email templates:

Decide which email you want to edit and then click the relevant “Edit” button.

Each emaill has been set to pull in a number of relevant Tags such as  customer name and address and the value of the booking. Obviously, you don’t want to edit these bits of information.  That said, you can add extra text or other Tags such as the Tag for a logo.  These extra Tags can be selected from the drop down box under “Custom Tags”

Once you have finsihed editing the template, click the  “Update email template” button at the foot of the page.

Here’s a short video on adding a logo to your email templates:

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