We have created a list of all the custom tags we have within the email templates.
You can edit your email templates and add any of the following. To edit email templates go to Administration | Email templates.

1. Property name = [tag:propertyname]
2. Booking reference= [tag:bookingref]
3. Current date = [tag:currentdate]
4. Enquiry date = [tag:enquirydate]
5. Booking date = [tag:bookingdate]
6. Cancellation date = [tag:canceldate]
7. Arrival date = [tag:arrivaldate]
8. Departure date = [tag:departuredate]
9. Check in time = [tag:arrivaltime]
10. Check out time = [tag:departuretime]
11. Number of adults in party = [tag:adultsinparty]
12. Number of children in party = [tag:childreninparty]
13. Number of infants in party = [tag:infantsinparty]
14. Accommodation cost = [tag:baserental]
15. Extras list and cost = [tag:extrascost]
16. Booking fee = [tag:bookingfee]
17. Total rental cost = [tag:rentalcost]
18. Breakage deposit = [tag:breakagedeposit]
19. Breakage deposit value = [tag:breakagedepositvalue]
20. Breakage deposit return date = [tag:breakagedepositdue]
21. Breakage deposit retain amount = [tag:breakagedepositretained]
22. Breakage deposit retention reason = [tag:breakagedepositreason]
23. Breakage deposit due return weeks =[tag:breakagedepositdueweeks]
24. Total cost = [tag:totalcost]
25. Total discounts = [tag:totaldiscounts]
26. Booking deposit amount = [tag:bookingdeposit]
27. Booking deposit outstanding amount = [tag:bookingdepositoutstanding]
28. Booking deposit due = [tag:bookingdepositdue]
29. Booking deposit due days = [tag:bookingdepositduedays]
30. Amount due now = [tag:amountnowdue]
31. Balance amount = [tag:bookingbalance]
32. Balance outstanding amount =[tag:bookingbalanceoutstanding]
33. Balance due = [tag:bookingbalancedue]
34. Balance due weeks = [tag:bookingbalancedueweeks]
35. Provisional booking expiry date = [tag:provisionalbookingexpiry]
36. Payment link = [tag:paymentlink]
37. Invoice no = [tag:invoicenum]
38. Invoice requested payments = [tag:invoicerequested]
39. Invoice payment schedule = [tag:invoicepaymentschedule]
40. Invoice Summary = [tag:invoicesummary]
41. Booking deposit amount received = [tag:depositrecamount]
42. Booking deposit receipt date = [tag:depositrecdate]
43. Booking payment amount received = [tag:paymentrecamount]
44. Booking payment receipt date = [tag:paymentrecdate]
45. Booking payment so far = [tag:paymentsofar]
46. Booking cancellation fee = [tag:cancelfee]
47. Booking cancellation balance = [tag:cancelbalance]
48. Booking cancelation reason = [tag:cancelreason]
49. Booking prior payment = [tag:priorpayment]
50. Booking balance or paid in full = [tag:balanceorpaidinfull]
51. Customer title = [tag:customertitle]
52. customer first name = [tag:customerfirst]
53. Customer last name = [tag:customerlast]
54. Customer address line 1 = [tag:customeraddress1]
55. Customer address line 2 = [tag:customeraddress2]
56. Customer address line 3 = [tag:customeraddress3]
57. Customer town = [tag:customertown]
58. Customer county/state = [tag:customerstate]
59. Customer post code = [tag:customerpostcode]
60. Customer phone day = [tag:customertelday]
61. Customer phone eve = [tag:customerteleve]
62. Customer phone mobile = [tag:customertelmob]
63. Customer email add = [tag:customeremail]
64. Property address line 1 = [tag:propertyaddress1]
65. Property address line 2 = [tag:propertyaddress2]
66. Property address line 3 = [tag:propertyaddress3]
67. Property town = [tag:propertytown]
68. Property county/state = [tag:propertystate]
69. Property postal code/zip = [tag:propertypostcode]
70. Property country = [tag:propertycountry]
71. Property name and address = [tag:propertynameandaddress]
72. Property sleeps = [tag:propertysleeps]
73. Property custom tag 1 = [tag:propertycustom1]
74. Property custom tag 2 = [tag:propertycustom2]
75. Property custom tag 3 = [tag:propertycustom3]
76. Property custom tag 4 = [tag:propertycustom4]
77. Property custom tag 5 = [tag:propertycustom5]
78. Alt property name = [tag:altpropertyname]
79. Alt Property address line 1 = [tag:altpropertyaddress1]
80. Alt Property address line 2 = [tag:altpropertyaddress2]
81. Alt Property address line 3 = [tag:altpropertyaddress3]
82. Alt property town = [tag:altpropertytown]
83. Alt property county/state = [tag:altpropertystate]
84. Alt property post code/zip= [tag:altpropertypostcode]
85. Alt property country = [tag:altpropertycountry]
86. Alt property arrival date = [tag:altarrivaldate]
87. Alt property departure date = [tag:altdeparturedate]
88. Alt property rental cost = [tag:altrentalcost]
89. Alt property breakage deposit= [tag:altbreakagedeposit]
90. Alt property total cost = [tag:alttotalcost]
91. Alt property booking deposit amount = [tag:altbookingdeposit]
92. Alt property booking deposit due = [tag:altbookingdepositdue]
93. Owner title = [tag:ownertitle]
94. Owner first name = [tag:ownerfirst]
95. Owner last name = [tag:ownerlast]
96. Owner company name = [tag:ownercompany]
97. Owner full name = [tag:ownername]
98. Owner address line 1 = [tag:owneraddress1]
99. Owner address line 2 = [tag:owneraddress2]
100. Owner address line 3 = [tag:owneraddress3]
101. Owner town = [tag:ownertown]
102. Owner county/ state = [tag:ownerstate]
103. Owner post code/zip =[tag:ownerpostcode]
104. Owner country = [tag:ownercountry]
105. Owner telephone = [tag:ownertel]
106. Owner email add = [tag:owneremail]
107. Owner website = [tag:ownerwww]
108. Owner company registration no = [tag:ownercompanyreg]
109. Owner company VAT no = [tag:ownercompanyvat]
110. Terms & Conditions = [tag:ownerterms]
111. Booking totals summary = [tag:bookingsummary]
112. Logo = [tag:logo]
113. Refund payment method = [tag:refundpaymethod]
114. Email header = [tag:emailheader]
115. Email footer = [tag:emailfooter]
116. Guest form link = [tag:guestformurl]
Download a copy of this list here, click this link: TagsFAQ.pdf and save the PDF to your PC or phone.