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Custom fields for calendar and bookings widget

One of our many features is custom fields on your booking form, allowing you to…

One of our many features is custom fields on your booking form, allowing you to be flexible and add any additional questions you would like to ask your guests prior to arrival, for example, asking your guests for their car registration or perhaps the purpose of their visit? This could be a very special occasion which may be useful for you to know. You can stipulate whether these fields are required or not.

To do this simply log in and locate to Publish Widgets | Publish to website | Calendar and Booking Form then click ‘Configure’

You will find these options in the ‘Booking Form’ section.

Scroll down a bit until you reach the ‘Custom field 1 label’. You may ask up to 3 questions here, examples below.

Once you have made your changes, click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page. You should now see these fields live on your booking form.

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