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How do I cancel a booking

To cancel a booking, first navigate to the booking details page and use the ‘cancel…

To cancel a booking, first navigate to the booking details page and use the ‘cancel booking’ link from the ‘Manage Booking’ box.

This will take you through to the cancel bookings screen where you can enter the cancellation details.

Here the system will display the calculated penalty as defined by your terms (set in the property edit screen in the Cancellation Terms section). However, you can then enter the actual amount charged which is down to your discretion, and specify the amount to return. Then simply record the method that you will use to return the money and record the date.

Bookalet does not automatically refund any money to the customer, some payment providers allow you to refund via their control panel or in the instance of a cheque or bank transfer you may need to contact the customer to arrange a payment.

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