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Embedding a Booking Form or Availability Calendar in Facebook

You can now quickly and easily add the Bookalet booking form to your Facebook page. This allows you to promote your holiday properties and start taking online bookings from within your Facebook page.

You can now quickly and easily add the Bookalet booking form to your Facebook page. This allows you to promote your holiday properties and start taking online bookings from within your Facebook page.

1.0 Overview
To add this functionality to your Facebook page, follow the simple process below:

2.0 Add the Static HTML App
We first need to add an app to your page. Navigate to the app :


Click on “Add Static HTML to a Page”. If you have more than one Facebook page, select the page that you want to add the booking form to.

3.0 Return to Your Facebook Account

Login to your Facebook account and then click the Tab “Welcome” to open the app. The Welcome tab is usually found under the More tab. Click on this and then re-order to make it more prominent. You can then add your booking form HTML code, which will allow you to publish the booking form. You can then add your booking form HTML code, which will allow you to publish the booking form.

The code to publish the booking form has been added in the example above. You can see it here. To obtain the code for your own form, login to your Bookalet account and navigate to “Publish to website”. Then select the form you wish to publish and cut and paste the code into the box above. For some strange reason, in order to work, you will also need an HTML tag above the code you have just added. Something like this works just fine:

<h3>Booking Form</h3> <br>

You can also change the name of the Welcome tab to something more descriptive. On your Facebook page, click the Settings tab, then click Apps, the n the Edit Settings tab of the Static HTML: Static iframe tabs and enter “Online Booking”.
